We donated a few bucks to help fund a documentary film called ‘RV Nomads – The Movie’. The story of full-time RVers and their lifestyle is told by video bloggers (vloggers).

Nathan and Marissa Moss of Less Junk More Journey, and Mark and Julie Bennett of RV Love were part of the cast. We have been following them for years and we were excited to hear more about their stories along with many others. The movie was even better than we expected.
Wellington Texas
The movie premiere event called NomadFEST was held on October 18-22, 2018 in Wellington, Texas. A tiny town (pop 2,129) in the panhandle of Texas with lots of personality. The Ritz Theatre in Wellington was among 100 national finalists in the “This Place Matters” competition of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Beautifully renovated in 2011, The Ritz was the perfect location for a movie premiere.

Over 200 RVs parked at the rodeo grounds, a short bike ride from the main square in town where The Ritz Theatre is located.
Wellington was very supportive of the town take-over and the people were so sweet and friendly. We met a shop owner and saw her again at the Lions Club pancake breakfast and around town after that. She would wave and greet us like she had known us for years.
The local accents remind me so much of my grandparents and family members who are from the area. One of my favorite comments was when the shop owner (with her Texas drawl) said, “In all my 88 years, I’ve never seen anything like what’s going on over there at the rodeo grounds!” I felt a little nostalgic!
NomadFEST partnered with Escapees RV Club to put on the event that got our RV to Texas for the first time! Besides the movie, we enjoyed the awesome music by cast members, educational events, and meeting new friends.
RV Lifestyle
People often say it sounds cool to RV full time, but they are a little skeptical about how comfortable we are. As a result, it can be a struggle for them to understand our lifestyle. It is a planned way of life with the freedoms and adventures that go along with it. (FYI – Yes, we do shower and cook meals and we are not homeless!)
Hopefully, people that see the movie will understand more about our nomadic RV lifestyle! The RV Nomad movie was released in November.